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Tresna - a global measuring instrument manufacturer in Providing ODM/OEM solutions since 1989.
As China's greatest manufacturer of measuring instruments, ranking second in the world, Tresna has perfected the online purchasing of digital calipers, micrometers, indicators and other measuring instruments, as our clients not only save time but money. More about Tresna Instrument.
Calipers On Sale
On Sale: Valid 12/01/2024~ 12/31/2024


Digital Calipers MicrometerMicrometers
Vernier CaliperVernier Calipers Depth GaugeDepth Gauges
Dial CaliperDial Calipers Height GaugeHeight Gauges
Special CaliperSpecial Calipers Dial Caliper GagesDial Caliper Gages
Digital IndicatorDigital Indicators Dial IndicatorDial Indicators
Other IndicatorThickness Gages Other Measuring InstrumentOthers
Tresna In Media
Calipers Wholesale, ODM, OEM
More than 130 brands in the world
are ODM & OEM from Tresna
Dear Peter, I just received my digital calipers. I am very pleased with the quality and the service..
Thank you very much!!
Gary Lees, Bob Evans Farms Inc.
Columbus, OH 43207 United States

How to use and read Digital Calipers correctly?
How to use and read a Vernier Caliper?
How to use and read a Digital Depth Gauges?

IP67 Waterproof Digital Calipers
Digital Tire Thread Depth Gauges
Large Scale Digital Calipers

How to use and read Digital Micrometers?
How to use and read a Dial Caliper?
How to use and read a Height Gauge correctly?
Left Handed Digital Calipers
Digital Thickness Calipers
6 Inch Digital Calipers